When you look at a basic fireplace, you may not think about all that you can do to make it look more appealing inside of your home. You may think a mantle is as far as you can go with decorations. This is not true. You can put stuff on it to make it more appealing and you can add a variety of things to it to make it as beautiful as you would want for it to be. All it takes is a little bit of creativity and you can show off a fireplace decoration that makes people stare.

Instead of having old red bricks on your fireplace, why not add in some color or colored tiles? This will make a very big statement for your livingfireplace decoration room. You can turn it into a feature wall that is not colored the same way as the rest of your living room. This will draw people’s attention to the fact that you have a beautiful fireplace to enjoy using. If you are not a fan of painting bricks that are already there, you can add tiles to the fireplace and take it up all the way to your ceiling.

A lot of people want a fireplace to look great without a lot of effort. If this sounds like you, you may want to consider simply updating your mantle. You can change the color of wood or make it a stone mantle. This will be a great place for you to put stockings and it will be a great place for you to put decorative flower arrangements or anything else you want on it.

When choosing a wooden mantle as your fireplace decoration, you can choose from a variety of wood types. There are thin mantles or thick mantles. Mantles that retain the tree’s natural shape and color or those that are polished to a high shine with polyurethane to bring out their darkest inner beauty. You can decide which one appeals more to you and then you can enjoy decorating your fireplace to the fullest. As an added bonus, it will look good enough that you will want to decorate it for more special occasions than just the winter holidays.